Moments @ Hockey

 About eight years ago I remember taking a first grader to his first ice skating lesson at Chaska.  He was all bundled up in his snow pants, lucky as they provided cushion for his little butt.  We wrestled with the laces and finally he took his first step on that sheet of ice.  At the end of the lesson he greeted me with “I don’t know about this hockey, Baba.”  

Last night I enjoyed watching his Tonka Bantam Black team play what could be his last organized youth hockey game.   Luckily one of the dads cast the game on Sporfie so we could participate in the fun.  Our #3 has mastered the edges and is an amazing defense man.  Just two weeks ago, I watched live as he scored a “textbook” goal to win a game in a Wisconsin tourney.  G is usually the first player out on the ice at the end of the game to chat with his goalie.  Definitely a “team player”.

What a SKATE!  He has played on championship teams and teams where wins were hard earned and few.  His attitude has almost always been positive and he is eager to encourage his team mates.  That makes us proud!  Also, I have attended end of season team parties where he has been named “Most Coachable”.  Regardless of his age, G always has given it his best..  This experience has taught him a great deal.  Sportsmanship, responsibility, and accountability.  Yes, he has spent time in the penalty box.

As his mom posted this morning “Unless he plays Jr Gold next year hockey is over for that amazing kid!  The run has been so fun!”  I want to thank you, G for giving me the opportunity to share in your fun, meet an amazing group of players and their families, and give me the chance to be so proud of you.  Never get rid of your skates and thanks for the memories.

Moments @ beliefs

 I hadn’t planned to write a post of this nature for a time but I told you my faith means everything to me.  One of our Pastoral Interns at St. Mark’s, Alice Murray, made this post on Facebook and thus I have to write about it.

Jesus didn’t have to agree with people to be kind to them. . .”

There is that word, “kind”.  So simple!  Wee children are reminded to “be kind” when they first tough a kitten or puppy.  There are so many plaques and items with those words displayed in any store you enter today.  Two precise words which give us an approach to our circumstances. When I was teaching I remember often reminding children to practice this behavior.  Children can be very kind or they can be very cruel.  Ask any child who has been bullied.  Nevertheless, we begin teaching kindness at a very young age.  To begin kindness is an action but as we grow it is displayed in our words and behaviors in a profound way.

Consequently, Alice’s spiritual post caught my consideration.  As a Christian, I endeavor to connect my faith and life,  Jesus was a teacher and the Holy Spirit abides in me,  This message is so important in my world today.  I am troubled by the way opinions are used as the measure of  how we treat others.  If you agree with me or have a like point of view,, then I will judge and treat you accordingly.  What a difference it would make if we chose to listen with the intent to understand but not react with unkindness or even hate,  Love one another and be kind is so much easier,  What another says or believes is their right.  I may wish to disagree but I can do that in a kind manner.  

You many think I am trying to avoid conflict and if you knew me you would know I am often invigorated with debate.  But if I am really trying to behave my best, I must BE KIND.  

Moments @ Gardening

 I became a Master Gardener almost three years ago.  I have two wonderful neighbors and mentors who talked me into it.  Vince and I have always had a garden but he spent the most time on it.  When we moved to Iowa we knew we wanted to have a garden with flowers and vegetables.  Now we have less lawn and more garden beds to attract pollinators and give us food security.  Let me tell you it is beautiful as well!  

My favorite flower is the Iris.  Vince loves to grow tomatoes. We have added many perennials, herbs, and shrubs to the landscape.  We even transformed 100 square feet of grass into a pollinator native prairie.

It is only the eighth of February but I have tulips 🌷 growing in the house and in the garage, the green tips have emerged in the Lasagna Pot.  “What is that?” You ask.  In late October I put about six inches of soil in the bottom of a very large planter (about 20 inches in diameter).  Of course one always has drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.  I used some potting soil mixed with some compost.  On the top of the layer, I placed eight tulip bulbs in a circle near the center of the pot.  I covered the layer with another layer of soil about four inches deep.  A bit further out from the center I placed about 12 hyacinth bulbs and cover with another two inches of soil and put crocus bulbs around the perimeter.  I then added the final two inch layer of soil over the crocus, sprinkled the surface, and wrapped the pot tightly with aluminum foil.  Yup, the green tips are starting to push up and soon I will uncover the pot and give it a sprinkle,  As the days grow warmer and there is sunshine, we dragging the pot out of the garage and let it soak up the sunshine.  Once the temperatures are warmer at night, we leave the pot outside.  We usually have the first blossoms of spring in our yard.  Try it.

A Moment for acquaintance

 I love to converse with people and share experiences.  I have a story to tell but I fear I am too old to write a book.  This blog will suffice for now.

ME:  baby boomer, first born, daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandma & Baba, Christian, caring family member, loyal friend, and lifelong learner.

As I pause to share a “Moment”, I may express a personal opinion, share some information, relate experiences, and/or provide something upon which for you to think.  I will try to use hashtags to organize the posts.  However, you should know I can be random and I have trouble focusing.  You may delight at the variety!

I hope you will find my blog enjoyable.  I am sharing because I want to make a difference in our world.  I will appreciate your comments but please be kind.

Moments @ Hockey

 About eight years ago I remember taking a first grader to his first ice skating lesson at Chaska.  He was all bundled up in his snow pants,...